A pioneering series of projects, in singing, theatre and creative writing to help people in Pembrokeshire whose health and wellbeing has been adversely affected by the pandemic.

Art Well is a partnership between SPAN, Pembrokeshire Association of Voluntary Services (PAVS), PAVS Community Connectors, Pembrokeshire County Council and Hywel Dda UHB Research Innovation and Improvement Coordination Hub, aimed at building resilience of isolated individuals / communities in Pembrokeshire through the arts.

The partnership is funded by HARP – Health, Arts, Research, People – an innovation and research partnership between Arts Council of Wales and Y Lab (Cardiff University & Nesta), to explore how we can generate, grow and learn about impactful creative innovations that support the health and wellbeing of the people of Wales.  Art Well is among 10 projects funded across Wales.

Remote Choir

A singing project for older people.

Older people around Pembrokeshire were invited to participate in SPAN’s ‘Remote Choir’. Remote Choir was a singing project, which uses technology to bring older people in different locations together in order to improve health and wellbeing. 

Shared Worlds: 

A summer series of creative writing workshops for people who have been dealing with grief during the pandemic.   

Workshops were guided by experienced and intuitive facilitator and writer Kerry Steed. Kerry invited participants to explore a creative connection with nature for wellbeing; to revive and nourish. 

Theatr Soffa:

An online community theatre company presenting live-streamed community performances through zoom in both English and Welsh.

It was initially conceived by SPAN as a creative way to connect rurally isolated and housebound individuals across Pembrokeshire, by using the arts and innovative use of technology. Click here to find out more. The partnership is funded by HARP – Health, Arts, Research, People – an innovation and research partnership between Arts Council of Wales and Y Lab (Cardiff University & Nesta), to explore how we can generate, grow and learn about impactful creative innovations that support the health and wellbeing of the people of Wales.  Art Well is among 10 projects funded across Wales.

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