Caring Choirs is a programme of singing workshops in care settings targeting older people, including those with dementia delivered by Span Arts.  The scheme has been running since Autumn 2015.
Caring Choirs capitalises on the restorative power of singing to deliver positive well-being benefits, and increase and improve physical and mental health.
Singing sessions are delivered by choir leaders Maya Waldman and Molara and are supported by a fantastic team of singing volunteers.

“Relaxing and interesting; I thoroughly enjoyed myself; Singing brings everyone alive, I don’t know who it doesn’t do that to; All very good. I enjoyed people coming in and doing different songs. I am getting a bit old to do exercises now though. I’m nearly 99; You coming in and doing this has helped; I don’t think you can be miserable after a singing session.”Caring Choirs participant.
“It has made my weak. Watching people come alive.” Caring Choirs Volunteer.

Overall feedback indicated that care setting staff perceived an improvement in participants mood, overall health and confidence.
“Lady X who suffers from dementia – she doesn’t speak much due to her illness – mainly yes/no answers or just pointing at what she wants frustrated as she can’t get her words out. During Caring Choirs sessions she is able to read and sings a whole song without any frustration. It is really great to see her enjoy and participate in an activity which helps stimulate her mind and helps her to relax. Very beneficial to Lady X.” Amy Simes at the Lee Davies Day Care Center.

Caring Choirs is currently funded by Charles Haywood Foundation until May 2018.

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