Clwb Digi is one of our pilot digital projects for Span Digidol. We launched the programme in February this year and have so far run monthly sessions on digital film and animation, app making, robotics, making contact microphones and sound manipulation. We’ve had great feedback from our participants and will be continuing to deliver this service at least until Easter 2020. Here’s what kids and their parents said:

“It was awesome!”

“I loved it and please do more!”

“Thank you – lovely to see the kids engaged and inspired”

One thing we’ve learnt is that teenagers have different digital needs from slightly younger children, so from September, we are planning a two-tiered Clwb Digi, our regular session will continue monthly for ages 8-13. We will also be running Clwb Digi Uwch, sessions for ages 12-16 exploring more advanced digital skills. If your child falls into both age groups they are welcome to attend both sessions. Clwb Digi Uwch will be led by our digital volunteer Alan Cameron-Wills, former Microsoft programmer, and John Ewart, Planed’s DATRIS co-ordinator and former CIT teacher. Sessions will revolve around creative IT problem solving and will allow each participant to develop at a pace that’s appropriate for them. Further details and dates will be released soon! If you’d like to join the mailing list for Clwb Digi, please click on this link

The next two sessions are Saturday 13th July and Saturday 10th August led by Nia Lewis who’ll be exploring e-textiles – where textiles meets digital technology.

Saturday July 13th 10 am – 1 pm – Electric Painting 
Design and create your own electrical circuit on fabric.  
Discover the exciting potential of conductive paints.  You will be able paint your own circuit using conductive paint on fabric and use the circuit to light up your work.

Saturday 10th August 10 am – 1 pm – Sewing Sensors
Did you know you can use threads to trigger sounds and lights?  Come along and design and make your own sensor using a range of conductive threads and fabrics.  When it’s made you can test out your inventions.



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