In 2015, SPAN created Côr Pawb (Everyone’s Choir), a 70-100 strong mass community choir featuring singers ranging in age from six to ninety-six from across the county and beyond.


We are thrilled to announce that Côr Pawb will be back with a spectacular performance to draw the Narberth A Cappella Voice Festival to a close on Sunday the 5th of March 2023 at The Queen’s Hall.

The mass choir will meet for a series of rehearsals in Clynderwen Community Hall led by experienced choir leaders Molara Awen (One Voice and Cân Sing), Maya Waldman (Sweet Harmony and Lleisiau Preseli Voices), and Tomos Hopkins (Côr Dysgwyr Sir Benfro).

Rehearsal dates: 19th November, 7th January, 29th January, 18th February. Sessions will take place from 11am – 4pm. Rehearsals are free to attend, but donations are welcome.

Founded upon the principles of community strength and resilience, Côr Pawb welcomes all voices, regardless of singing ability, to come together for an uplifting celebration of song.

You don’t have to be a member of a choir or have sung before to join in. Everyone is welcome – experienced singers and newbies alike!

We invite anyone interested in getting involved to the initial rehearsal on the 19th of November at Clynderwen Community Hall, Clynderwen, SA66 7NH. If you are unable to attend on this date but still wish to get involved, please contact, or call 01834 869323.

Under 18s must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Sessions are free, but donations are welcome! Please bring your own lunch. Teas and coffee available. Please bring your own mug if possible to help us avoid using disposable ones.

Raise Your Voice Pembrokeshire / Codwch Eich Llais Sir Benfro

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