Amdanom Ni

Celf fel Newid Cymdeithasol yng Nghymru Wledig
Art as Social Change in Rural Wales

Mae cyd-greu wrth wraidd sut mae Celfyddydau SPAN yn penderfynu beth i’w wneud, ble i weithio, a phwy i weithio gyda nhw neu ar eu cyfer.

Gan adeiladu ar y 30 mlynedd a mwy diwethaf o ymarfer cymunedol, rydym yn cael hyd i’r lleisiau ymylol yn y gymuned, yn ogystal â phartneriaid allweddol i gydweithio â nhw i greu’r newid y maent eisiau ei weld.

Ein nod yw creu gwaith sydd â pherthnasedd lleol a chyseiniant byd-eang.

Mae popeth a wnawn yn cael ei ddiffinio trwy sgyrsiau creadigol uniongyrchol gyda’n cymuned a’n hartistiaid. Rydym yn gweithio drwy alwadau agored am syniadau, ymateb cymunedol i anghenion, ac atebion creadigol dan arweiniad artistiaid.

Rydym yn cyd-greu gwaith sydd yn:

Ble rydym yn gweithio

Mae gan SPAN swyddfa yn Arberth ond mae’n gweithio ar draws sir Benfro a Gorllewin Cymru.

Rydym yn mynd â’n gwaith a’n hymgysylltiad i’n cymuned a’n cynulleidfaoedd, yn hytrach na disgwyl iddynt deithio atom ni. Gan ganolbwyntio ar animeiddio ac ailddiffinio ein perthynas â’r awyr agored, mannau cymunedol, a mannau digidol a rhai a rennir fel ei  gilydd fel lleoedd creadigol, mae’n gwaith yn digwydd yn bennaf y tu allan i seilwaith traddodiadol y celfyddydau. Rydym yn defnyddio neuaddau cymunedol, ystafelloedd ysgol a chyrchleoedd ieuenctid, lloriau coedwigoedd, a meysydd parcio, yn ogystal ag ar-lein, gan fynd â’n gwaith i galon ein cymuned ledled y sir.


Bydd eich cefnogaeth yn ysbrydoli ac yn cysylltu pobl, lleoedd a chymunedau gwledig yn greadigol gan ddefnyddio’r Celfyddydau fel cyfrwng ar gyfer Newid Cymdeithasol yng Ngorllewin Cymru.

Rydym yn darparu cyfleoedd i ystod eang o bobl ennill sgiliau a phrofiad a chymryd rhan yn y gymuned. Gall hyn fod yn achubiaeth hanfodol i lawer o unigolion ynysig a/neu fregus sy’n byw mewn ardaloedd gwledig.

Fyddai Celfyddydau SPAN ddim yn bodoli heb yr artistiaid a’r bobl greadigol rydym yn cydweithio â nhw. Rydym yn gweithio i sicrhau ein bod yn talu artistiaid yn deg, gwerthfawrogi’r gwaith y maent yn ei wneud, ac yn cefnogi eu datblygiad parhaus yn y sir.

Ein nod yw cynnwys artistiaid a phobl greadigol ym mhob lefel o’n meddylfryd a’n cynllunio o aelodaeth ein Bwrdd i’n prosesau comisiynu.

Cwrdd â'r Tîm


Beth Touhig Gimble 2

Bethan Touhig-Gamble


Vicki Skeats

Finance Manager

Belinda Bean

Span Director

Di Ford

Digital Marketing and Design Assistant

Bethan Morgan

Community Producer

Evie Morris

Digital Marketing and Design Assistant / Fundraising Assistant

Samara van Rijswijk

Digital Marketing and Design Assistance


We Move Project Officer

Cydweithwyr Creadigol


Cary Mol (Board)

Carys Mol


Déa Neile-Hopton

Jonathan Chitty

Jonathan Chitty

uk shortlist (2)

Sue Lewis


Stuart D. Berry

Rhidian Evans

Rhidian Evans

Red Cottam

Red Cottam


Omar Al-Kamil

Catherine Davies

Catherine Davies


Gweithio gyda ni

Gweler y cyfleoedd gwaith presennol gyda SPAN Arts isod:

Aelod Bwrdd

SPAN has a strong board of Trustees who help guide the charity to achieve our mission of Art as Social Change in Rural Wales. We are always looking to ensure the board is representative of the communities we serve and has the mix of skills, lived experience, and connections needed to help drive our work forward.

If you are interested in getting more involved in the future of SPAN and want to find out more about what being a trustee means you can download the application pack for Board Membership.

Click here to find out more

SPAN Arts are actively and publicly anti-racist, anti-ableist, anti-homophobic, and anti-transphobic. This unmovable core principle shapes who we partner with, who we approach for support, who we employ, how we work, and who we work with.

We embrace the social model of disability and cultural model of Deafness and expand this understanding to include the fact that systematic structural barriers are at the core of discrimination and lack/loss of access.

SPAN Arts of today recognise that we, and the wider arts sector, have historically not done enough to challenge and change the systematic inequality and discrimination. The causes and effects of the Black Lives Matter and We Shall Not Be Removed movements, the rise of antisemitism, transphobia, and homophobia for instance have sparked many into action, some into guilt or inaction. These societal failures are not new, they are systematic, institutional, and constant. SPAN Arts commits to doing better. This is not an add-on to our programme, but one of our core values.

We understand that diversity of lived expertise across all levels of our charity is core to ensuring good governance, good management, and creating relevant work.

We hold ourselves to account and commit to making public our annual engagement demographics, including the makeup of our staff, Trustees, and artists that we work with.

2022/23 Demographics
2023/24 Demographics (pending)
SPAN Arts Equalities & Diversity policy

SPAN is a proud bilingual organisation with Welsh-speaking staff, board members, volunteers, artists, and Welsh and Bilingual programming. We understand the importance and place the Welsh Language has within our community and our cultural offer.

The strength of our work to support our community’s access to culture in the Welsh language has been recognised by being awarded the Cynnig Cymraeg recognition by the Welsh Language Commissioner.

As laid out in our Welsh Language Strategy and Development Plan, SPAN is committed to the fundamental right of everyone, who wishes to do so, to have access to services through the medium of Welsh and strives to follow this principle when delivering our work.

We commit to ensuring:

  • Our website is available in Welsh and English
  • Most of our social media content is in Welsh and English
  • Event advertising is in Welsh and English
  • The static content of our social media sites is in Welsh and English
  • Most of our signage at events is in Welsh and English
  • Our vacancies are advertised in Welsh and English
  • SPAN offers Welsh language events as part of its artistic programme
  • SPAN works with and supports Welsh language artists to develop new work
  • We encourage all staff to learn Welsh utilising the free resources suggested by the Welsh Language Commissioner’s Hybu Team and the Arts Council of Wales.

Alongside these commitments, we ensure that Welsh speakers voices are represented at all levels of our decision-making, from our Trustee Board, team members, volunteers, and in the cocreation sessions that inform our work.

SPAN Arts works in co-creation with a wide range of communities or interests and identities across West Wales, and partners with third-sector, public, and private organisations who share our aims.

We are commissioned and tender to deliver specific project work that is complementary to our wider programme. We also work with partners to apply for funding to enable ideas and projects to happen.

If you are interested in working in partnership, commissioning, or sponsoring SPAN Arts please contact Bethan Touhig Gamble, SPAN Arts Director

Click here to find out more ways to support SPAN’s work.

SPAN is working to make our events and creative opportunities as accessible as possible, from accepting alternative formats as part of our standard recruitment and open calls to artists to committing to only booking physically accessible venues.

As a non-venue-based organisation we use lots of different spaces across the county so don’t have a standard access map. We are working on how we share access information with our audiences and participants for each event and activity.

If you have any questions about accessing any of our activities you can speak to Bethan Morgan our Community Producer via email, or you can call the SPAN office Monday to Friday 9-5 pm at 01834 869323 to speak to a member of the team.

SPAN Arts is committed to reducing our carbon footprint to net zero by 2050.  The environmental impact of our work is considered as part of our programme development, and budgets and projects are designed to make sure we do not have to comprise this.

In 2022 we will measure our annual carbon footprint for the first time to allow us to measure both our impact and as a baseline for improvements.

2021/22 SPAN carbon usage:

  • Units Conversion Factor CO²e kg Scope
  • Purchased electricity 1974 0.2556 504.6 2
  • Gas 13134 0.18385 2414.7 1
  • Staff miles 1794 0.27901 500.5 3
  • Volunteer miles 9152 0.27901 2553.5 3
  • Electricity Distribution 1974 0.0217 42.8 3

Total: 6016.1
Total CO²e is 6016.1 kg, though 3096.9 kg (51%) of that is Scope 3.

To improve this SPAN commits to:

  • Consider the ethical life cycle of our resources:
  • Shift to a full green tariff for electricity suppliers
  • Prioritise local suppliers and promote community and public transport options to reduce food and travel miles
  • Support hybrid working to maximise efficiency and reduce unnecessary travel to work
  • Programme hybrid and digital participation work to allow for remote engagement
  • Recycle across all office, event, and participation activity
  • Co-create work that raises awareness of climate emergency such as our Love Stories to Nature commissions
  • Develop an Environmental Action Plan with the support of the board, team, and our artists by 2025, and review annually thereafter

SPAN Arts Environmental policy

A Potted History


Sefydlu Celfyddydau Cymunedol Taf a Cleddau



Ein Gŵyl Blant gyntaf (yn cynnwys perfformwyr megis No Fit State Circus)


Circa 1990

Sicrhau ariannu gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru am y tro cyntaf

Circa 1990


Newid ein henw i Rwydwaith Celfyddydau De Penfro



Dod yn gwmni cyfyngedig trwy warrant dan yr enw SPAN



Prosiect datblygu SPAN – Prosiect 3 blynedd yn mynd â’r celfyddydau i’r pentrefi



Prynu adeilad SPAN ar Waun y Dref, Arberth gyda chyllid o’r rhaglen Cyfleusterau Cymunedol.



Sefydlu Gŵyl Llais A Cappella Arberth



Lansio cenhadaeth ‘Arts for Everyone/Celfyddydau i Bawb’ SPAN.



Y Parêd Llusernau Afon Goleuadau cyntaf yn Hwlffordd mewn partneriaeth â Gofod i Greu



Sicrhau cyllid tair blynedd gan y Loteri Fawr ar gyfer Y Prosiect Llawen



Sicrhau cyllid amrywiol ar gyfer prosiectau i gyflawni nifer o agendâu newid cymdeithasol allweddol ar draws Sir Benfro.



 Mabwysiadu gweledigaeth newydd o Gelfyddydau ar Gyfer Newid Cymdeithasol yng Nghymru Wledig



Pandemig COVID-19 – Gweithredu ar-lein yn unig



Addaswyd y rhaglen SPAN i anghenion y byd ar ôl covid, gan symud tuag at brosiectau sy’n archwilio’r berthynas rhwng y celfyddydau, iechyd, a lles.



Croesawyd y cyfarwyddwr newydd Bethan Touhig-Gamble, cynhaliwyd digwyddiadau byw unwaith eto, a dechreuwyd broses cyd-greu newydd ar gyfer prosiectau SPAN, ar y cyd â’r gymuned



SPAN Arts yn ymuno â Phortffolio Celfyddydau Cymru Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru

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