Creative Curiosity
Creative Curiosity Celebrating a collection of creative voices from the rural communities of North Pembrokeshire This pioneering project by SPAN ARTS and its partners, Preseli Cares and PAVS (Pembrokeshire Association of Voluntary Services), harnessed the power of creativity through artist-led workshops to address the inequalities experienced by the rural and Welsh speaking communities of North Pembrokeshire including Carers, Young people and those Over 50. Using the arts as a vehicle to support creative, community curiosity these workshops offered an accessible platform to share in what is missing in their lives and what changes need to be made. The Creative Curiosity project led by SPAN Arts was funded by the Arts Council of Wales, Arts Health, and Wellbeing fund. The project delivered in partnership with Hwyl Dda Health Board connected with the aims of Preseli Cares, a wider ‘Community-led care’ project delivered by Cwmpas, which worked to explore how communities can develop solutions to their own care and support needs. Creative Curiosity harnessed the power of the arts to spark community curiosity and inspired communities to co-produce solutions to social care issues at a community level through a programme of artist-led workshops developed and delivered by SPAN Arts. Collage, textiles and […]