Mae Molara yn gantores, cyfansoddwraig, athro a pherfformiwr ysbrydoledig, a’i daid mamol yn un o sylfaenwyr cymdeithas George Formby, a chefnder ei dad oedd Fela Kuti. Ar ôl gradd mewn drama a llenyddiaeth Ffrangeg, aeth Molara ymlaen i fod yn aelod gwreiddiol o’r arloeswyr dawns dub Zion Train. Wedi hynny bu’n canu a recordio gydag ystod eang o fandiau ac artistiaid sy’n cynnwys Mad Professor, Femi Kuti, The Ruts DC a Baka Beyond.

She is a musicologist and founded One Voice Choir in 2005 to celebrate her love of international singing techniques, and was one of the founders of The Narberth A Cappella Voice Festival in 2008. She is a trustee of the Natural Voice Network.

She has delivered educational provision of music and the arts to people aged 0 to 106, of differing abilities and backgrounds since 1992, and has worked for Span Arts, National Theatre of Wales, Arts Council of Wales and Ruskin Mill Trust.

She is a passionate advocate of human rights and has worked with Race Council Cymru, the Welsh government’s Race Equality Action Plan, and in promoting Seni’s Law following the death of her cousin at the hands of the police.

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