How to Record your Song and Upload It
Pererin Wyf is a project inviting people all over the world to record their songs of journeying, pilgrimage and home, and to add them to the Span Arts Pererin Wyf project map.
Put your song on the Map:
Video your song
Upload the video
Put it on the Map
1. Video your song
Here are a few tips
What’s behind you? What do you see in the background of your shot?
Noise: Are you in a noisy space or a quiet location? If it’s very windy your microphone will pick up this noise.
To help with this you can use a plug in microphone and a windshield.
Battery: Check it’s charged—you don’t want it to run out in the middle of recording your song.
Landscape format: Please hold the phone on its side.
Airplane mode is a useful way to stop your phone disturbing you during recording.
Call on a friend: If it’s you doing the singing, you could get somebody else to hold the camera. You might find this easier.
When you’re ready to record
Open your camera, select Video and then Record. (Don’t worry about beginning to sing immediately. You can clip the start and end of the video in the YouTube Studio tools after uploading.)
Introduce yourself and say where you are when you start your recording.
You could also say a little about what the song means to you. But don’t take too long to get to the song!
After you’ve finished, don’t forget to press Stop.
2. Upload your song to YouTube
If you do not have a YouTube account you can send your song to and we can add it to the map for you.
Use the YouTube app on your phone. (If you don’t already have it, it’s free to install and use.)
Sign in to YouTube.
Click the + button and then Upload a Video. (Not a Short)
Choose the video – your song recording.
For the title, put your name and perhaps the song you were singing.
Choose either Public or Unlisted so that it can be added to the map.
Click Next. at the top.
Click See Video or Library. You will see how much time it’s going to take.
Once it has uploaded and you can play it, it’s ready to share on the map.