Pin your song to the Pererin Wyf map
Step by step
First, upload your song to YouTube. If you do not have a YouTube account you can send your song to and we can add it to the map for you.
Go to the Pererin Wyf project page on the Span Arts website, and click ‘Click here to view the project map’. |
Click Continue to close the introduction. | |
Click Contribute at the top left corner of the map. Click to accept the Terms and Conditions, once you have read them. |
Sign in using either your Microsoft or Google account. | |
Drag the map to place the red target arrow at the location you want to pin your recording. | |
To zoom in or out you can use the + and – buttons at the top right corner of the map. |
In another window or tab, copy the Share URL from your YouTube video. |
Back on the map, click the Add Video button in the top left portion of the screen. |
Paste the URL into the box. Click Done. |
In the editing box, add more information about your recording. You can also add pictures. Click X at the top right corner to close the box. |
Your recording is now on the map. To see it, click the place, or tap two times. |