Here at Span Arts we are very excited to be working with artist Nia Lewis on a very special commission for one of the largest participatory artworks ever created. PROCESSIONS, produced by Artichoke and commissioned by 14-18 NOW, (the UK’s arts programme for the First World War centenary), marks 100 years since some women in the UK won the vote.
Inspired by the powerful tradition of textile banners in protest movements Artichoke have commissioned 100 artists to collaborate with community groups to produce 100 banners. These banners, together with countless others, will be flown by thousands of women to form enormous PROCESSIONS on Sunday 10th June in Cardiff, Belfast, Edinburgh and London.
Nia is working with The Women Survivors Support Project to design and make a banner that portrays the lives, ideas and hopes of women in Wales today. As well as designing a striking banner, the participants have been encouraged to consider what their vote means for them, and how the campaign of the suffragettes still impacts on the lives of women in the 21st Century.
One participant said, “Having a vote validates women as citizens, it gives us a voice and freedom to express our opinions – I value this.”
The group are finding that following in the footsteps of the suffragettes resonates profoundly with their own experiences and struggle for freedom. Nia said “This is such a powerful project, the women are learning new skills and the process has been unifying for the group. We are all looking forward to walking with thousands of women from around the country on 10th June.”
There is still time to register your interest at and attend the event. It isn’t obligatory to make a banner to participate but if you’d like to make something the website contains comprehensive instructions for banners of various sizes, pennants and decorated sticks.
For more information on “PROCESSIONS” and other projects, check out the Span Arts website, follow them on Facebook facebook/spanarts, or pick up the phone and get in touch on 01834 869323.