SPAN Digidol was a 2 year Leader and ACW funded project designed to open up culture across the whole of Pembrokeshire through developing a new way of delivering cultural services via digital technology to rural communities.
The project reached over 2000 live audiences and over 27,000 digital audiences from right across the county and beyond with representation from all ages.
Through an innovative programme of 10 pilot projects SPAN Digidol engaged some of the most vulnerable , or traditionally/stereotypically less digitally confident/competent people through projects such as Map Digi Penfro, Memortal, Cân Sing online, Theatr Soffa, e-ticketing, Pisga Chapel Advent Concert audiences.
The project also provided SPAN with the capacity to rapidly adapt to the COVID crisis and be able to contribute to the community response in Pembrokeshire by providing an online programme for the 3 months of Lockdown serving the community with online arts experience to alleviate boredom, stress and loneliness and to improve people’s wellbeing.
People reported an increase in health & wellbeing as result in engaging in projects and demonstrated that participation in arts activities is a strong motivating factor for people to develop their digital skills.
SPAN Digidol successfully supported the digital inclusion agenda in Pembrokeshire and successfully future proofed the charity by:
Reducing isolation and including social and cultural opportunities and skills development
Participants reported increases in skills, feelings of positivity, wellbeing and confidence across a range of different projects, indicators and evaluation reports
Building a body of individual case studies have been collected as well as lots of evidence and feedback which tell the individual stories of engagement and impact on beneficiaries.
SPAN secured additional investment
Enabling SPAN to rapidly adapt to working remotely and online during the Coronavirus Pandemic which led to SPAN being able to sustain a creative arts provision to our audiences at the most critical of times.
Enabling SPAN to invest in its technical infrastructure, staff, trustees and skills
An increase in profile for the organisation contributing to the understanding that the arts have a key role to play in digital inclusion in Wales.